Scp 860 containment breach
Scp 860 containment breach

scp 860 containment breach scp 860 containment breach scp 860 containment breach

SCP-860 can fit in any door lock that requires a key located in the area of the given coordinates, and will function identically to the correct key for that lock. In the time SCP-860 has spent under containment, the numbers have changed three times, giving the coordinates for ██████ (Germany), ██████ (England), and Site-██. At seemingly random intervals of time, a series of numbers, later found to be UTM coordinates, will appear on the key's blade. By itself, the object is inert, and no further containment procedures are needed.ĭescription: SCP-860 is a dark blue key of unremarkable shape. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-860 is to be contained in a small wooden box in a vault at Sector-██. I didn't properly see it in the second playtrough, there was a large thing clipping into me so I had to replay in order to see it.Įdit: I forgot to list that the menu music sounds like something from an mmorpg, and it took the immersion away. I like how you animated and thought up a model, which was surprising and uncanny (which scares me out of my chair). Check this official page for reference, since it is listed in the actual wiki what sounds it makes: These fake bear noises were quite unfitting. I go to futher, and my game suddenly ended, which was, that I didn't hear it, of course. I try to walk around it, and after bumping into invisible walls and wandering for about a minute I make it to the end of forest 1.

scp 860 containment breach

The bug was that I started with no sound, so I had no idea there was even a narrator. I don't mean to be harsh, but I was met with a bug in my first playtrough, and when replayed properly I was a little disappointed by the SCP noises. But you kinda forgot it is listed in the official SCP Foundation that there is a blueish fog, and you changed it to frighten a player later on, but to me it was anticlimactic. You really did a great job on the models part. I really dig the models and the atmosphere, which are amazing, especially the forest.

Scp 860 containment breach